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Future Now

With support from DevicesDotNow our project has been able to reach out to those most in need following the Covid19 pandemic.  This has come in the way of mini tablets which provide those experiencing digital poverty to get online and gain some independence 

Because we are a registered Online Centres Network provider for North Tyneside, identifying those with vulnerabilities has been at the top of our agenda.   Many people take for granted access to mobile technology. However, there are many offline who suffer as a result, especially during times of national emergency.  This is the case for many with a disability or who are elderly because day to day daily tasks can be heavily never mind maintaining social circles of support is absolutely essential for well-being. 

Screenshot of Future Now website
Simon receiving his mini tablet
Amanda receiving her new mini tablet
Martin taking possession of his new mini tablet.
Robbie receiving his new mini tablet
Park View Project logo
This website is designed, produced and updated by our volunteers 2017
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