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North East Digital Access Statistics

One of our volunteers Simon involved in North East Digital Access Statistics.

Today, 11.3 million adults in the UK still lack the essential digital skills that are necessary for life and work. And in just ten years almost 7 million adults in the UK – 12% of the adult population - will be left behind as a result of digital exclusion.

With more and more services moving to digital platforms to save money, the digital literacy needed to use these services is not keeping pace. Those without digital skills are likely to be the most vulnerable and excluded.

Providing everyone in the UK with the essential digital skills they need by 2028 will lead to a benefit of £15 for every £1 invested, and a net present value of £21.9 billion.

Although Government and other organisations are prioritizing digital inclusion, we know more can be done, and more quickly, with greater commitment and by working in partnership across sectors.

That’s why we’re calling on Government and other organisations to commit helping us get everyone in the UK online by 2028 - in order to realize these £21.9 billion of benefits.

By working together, we can make the UK the first 100% digitally included nation in the world.

This website is designed, produced and updated by our volunteers 2017
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