"What is Weevl Blogging: "Connecting your Interests"
Is an accessible program available to members only which is how we address issues of safety and moderation of content. Because we have adopted a safe & secure policy, Weevl blog is member only site. This blog requires an invitation rather than auto join, although you can submit to enlist but requires authorization by one of our moderators. Our Code of Conduct sets out how we expect people to adopt our site policy relating to use of language and imagery that is not offensive, derogatory or may be interpreted as Cyber-bullying . We are non-confrontational, therefore, resist inclusion of subjects which lead to differences of opinion. This does not preclude healthy debate where individuals agree to differ.
We ensure equal access to all by encouraging individuals of all abilities, status, faith, sexual orientation, disability or nationality to get involved and share the rich vein of experiences of life whether it is work, education, training or your interest based.
Unlike many blogs ours is based on connecting your Interests. It is structured by subject categories thereby encouraging members to maintain integrity of subject.
So what is holding you back: We are experienced and supportive of those who have been exposed to cyber-crime or cyber bullying. In fact, we positively encourage you to join us either as part of a team or in a private capacity. The aim is to address life strains that many feel discourage socializing.
You can talk to either Bob or any of our volunteer Online Chums for for reassurance or guidance about what you can get involved with or how we might help you to get involved.