By testing the best online digital skills courses: learning and providing feedback about the effectiveness and accessibility of these resources. This will assist us in choosing the best digital skills courses for the service.
Digital Champions will develop skills to work 1:1 or in small group settings with park View Project learners. Being supported to help others engage with accessible technology, digital skills digital health and internet essentials training i.e. volunteer online chum mentoring).
Helping people to develop self-help skills by signposting to reliable online information and resources.
Be part of a digital befriender system' for participants who many lack confidence, or need additional support to get online and learn new skills (Volunteer Online Chum Mentoring scheme).
Digital befrienders will be supported to research and deliver practical solutions based on their relevant interests and experience (e.g. helping others with dyslexia to use accessible technology to get online).
Learn how to develop web content for the Park View Project's website. including posting relevant disability-related information and updates to people using our website. This content will focus on focus on positive, accessible technology, and signposting and community events.
Take part in focus groups; helping to steer the direction and the priorities of digital First aid'. playing an active role in planning, design and implementation.
Research into the latest statistics, research and technologies for disability and digital inclusion.
Helping to fundraise and identify funding opportunities. For people with disabilities the cost of devices, internet access and specialist software can be prohibitively expensive.